
candy girl, you are my world...

I know I can't be alone when I say this: I really hate sweet talk.

(Image via Flickr)
(Another great image: here)

.. Don't try to butter me up with little flattering/"cute"/cheesy phrases. Especially if you already have me. At least not all the time. It loses it's appeal/effect if you do it all the time & just starts to make me a little annoyed. I don't want to sound ungrateful - sweet lines are very nice, when timed correctly. But in the middle of a conversation? No me gusta. I don't want you to talk to me like I'm some girl you're trying to get at. I want you to talk to me like I'm your best friend, because that's what I want to be.

Also, I can't stand pet names. Maybe I'll change when I get older, but for the time being I don't want to be called: sweetheart, baby (I'm an adult...), pookie, or honey.

Maybe I'm just being cranky...

But for real though, too much affection = bad. If you really want me to know that you care I'd rather hear it in a more eloquent & thoughtful way. More importantly, I'd rather that you SHOW it.

And PDA is not the way. Why would you be kissing up on someone when you're hanging out with a group of friends?

Mega womp.

"Candy Girl" by New Edition from the album Candy Girl, 1983.

(A note: nothing sparked this, I just randomly remembered how much I dislike stuff like that!!)

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