
Words of Advice

"I'd like to dedicate this to all of the Creator's righteous children.
I have some food in my bag for you.
Not that edible food -- that food you eat? no...
I have some food for thought.
Since knowledge is infinite,
It has infinitely fell on me, so um..."

Erykah knows what's up.
As I've lived these short 19 years of my life, I guess I can say I've learned a little bit. I've picked up a few things here & there and stored them away in the little pockets of my brain, hoping to be able to find them when I really need them. So here is a list of tips, advice, words of wisdom from the fresh young mind of a 19-year-old, self-proclaimed "old lady." Some are funny, some are random, some are taken from songs, some were inspired by my own life, some were inspired by the people around me.

I just hope someone actually reads them. And I'll probably come back and add to this when necessary.

1. Do NOT try to holla at a girl while you're working.

2. ... And if you do, don't ask her if she wants to try on the lacy panties hanging up in your store. I don't think that's gonna go over too well.

3. Don't give a girl the eye or try to holla while she's with her parents.

4. If your parents are protective of you (no matter the extent), just know that they do it because they (more than likely) love you.

5. Live your life like it's golden (thank you Jill Scott!).

6. If you're ever feeling down, or you need something to pump you up before you take a test: listen to "Just Fine" by Mary J. Blige. I swear by it - I've done it for every test since I started college.

7. Also: right before you go to sleep, make a list of things encouraging yourself ["I will pass this test!" "I can do anything!" "The Lord will make a way some how!"] on Word or something, make it pretty/colorful, and minimize it. When you wake up, get on the computer, bring the window up, and read it. It'll make you feel better.

8. When it comes to relationships, the question should always be "WHY am I with this person?" not "WHY NOT?"

9. Avoid creepers at all costs. Not matter how cute/fine/sexy they are. Please.

10. Remember that sometimes people will say anything to get what they want. Be sure other people have the right intentions...

11. That being said, make sure YOU have the right intentions. (That goes for any decision you make or any action you take).

12. Don't hang with a group & talk about how you hate certain people... and then go hang out with those people like you weren't just talking mess about them. That's called immaturity.

13. Not everyone is going to like you... but it's okay.

14. You can't change someone who doesn't want to be changed. NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY.

15. Don't accept the mean, the reckless, the insensitive, or the harmful way people treat you, even if you know the reason behind it.

16. If ALL of your friends are telling you (for WEEKS) a guy (or girl) is bad, and can point out specific reasons or examples why, maybe you give it some serious consideration...

17. Don't be afraid to communicate with the people in your life. I know, it's hard sometimes, but better to say something and have it not work, than to not say anything and wonder how things would have been different if you had.

18. Pick your friends like you pick your fruit. -- Erykah

19. Don't waste your time trying to be what you're not... & don't waste your time trying to get what others got. -- Erykah

20. Please wear clothes that fit you... please.

21. Guys, don't ask a girl you haven't even SPOKEN TO for her number, just cuz she's cute.

22. Girls, don't give it to them!!

23. Don't make a whole facebook album of you & your significant other lying in bed, kissing each other. If you really want the world to see that you know how to kiss each other, maybe put up ONE picture, as a default.

24. Do NOT make out on the dance floor. I'll say everybody has one chance to do that, but anymore than that & it's unforgivable. That mess is not cute.

25. Care for other people. You can't live in this world all alone.

26. That being said, don't care for people so much that you forget to care for yourself. That is of the utmost importance.

27. Don't overuse the word 'hater.'

28. Don't think you're superior than others because of your: taste in music, your clothing style, your money, your job, your hometown, your relationship status, or your looks.

29. Don't pressure anyone into doing anything they really & truly don't want to do and if it's not going to help them in any way. That goes for weed, sex, alcohol, bungee jumping, stealing, sneaking out of the house... EVERYTHING.

30. If you're going to drink, please don't be a mess. Again, I'll give everyone one or two chances to be a mess in public, but after that, it's a wrap.

31. Don't automatically assume that someone who doesn't talk to you much / someone who you are intimidated by is stuck-up. Sometimes they are... but often, they're not. They're just shy. Or quiet.

32. Don't try to get with the same girl your best friend is trying to get with, especially when you guys have talked about it.

33. Don't spend your money like its endless. Be logical.

34. Remember to thank the people in your life who have always been there for you.

35. Ladies: don't accept any guy yelling at you, cursing at you, or disrespecting you. You deserve better.

36. Guys: the same thing goes for you. I know all the negative attention is always on the guys, but there are plenty of horrible girlfriends out there too.

37. Don't leave your drink unattended at a party, bar, club, whatever! That ain't safe!

38. Everybody was made in the image of God, so unless they have done something to themselves (bad makeup, bad weave, bad plastic surgery, poorly fitting clothing), you really have no right to talk badly about how they look. We all do it (I definitely do), but it's still no good.

39. YOU were made in the image of God, so remember it when you're feeling like you don't look good.

40. Open your eyes: there are amazing people and things in life that go overlooked & ignored.

41. The perfect person for you may be right under your nose. But you're just not looking...


43. Be open to other perspectives. You don't have to agree, but you do have to be respectful.

44. Know when to stand up & give your opinion...

45. But don't always be pressed to make everyone else think like you. You may just turn them completely off from your idea/opinion. Womp womp.

46. NICE GUYS: I'm sorry you get often the shaft when it comes to girls. Just wait, you're the ones they'll all want/need in their lives. You're a commodity. Remember that. Don't try to change please.

47. BAD BOYS: Enjoy it now cuz it won't last unless you change. No one can settle with a true bad boy forever.

48. GIRLS: Give nice guys a chance! And stop lusting after those hot mess, dangerous, bad boys.

49. An obvious one I've forgotten to say... but obviously a lot of people must not know: don't be having sex until you're ready and you can do it RESPONSIBILY. Nature may tell you that you may be physically ready but that doesn't necessarily mean you're emotionally ready.

50. You're not the sun. Nor are you the Son. The world doesn't revolve around you... so stop thinking it does. And stop being so selfish.

51. "You are who you surround yourself with."

More to come... :)



  1. what's the difference between the green and purple and white stuff? and why did you underline that other stuff and why is it pink? what is up with your formatting?

    mine: flaunt it if you've got it.

  2. I have some:
    - learn how to use a real map, but learn how to go places without knowing how to get there.
    - sometimes when i'm freaking out about what i should and shouldn't do in a situation, i need to remind myself not to put so much pressure on myself for action. just let it be.
    - just because it's past midnight and you're awake doesn't mean you need to eat a hoagie
    - if you love someone -- romantically, family, friends, pets -- let them know
    - laugh every day
    - dance every day
    - give AND take

  3. there's no really difference between the green and the purple, i just thought it would be really boring if i made everything green... but it was 4-something in the morning when i wrote this so i didn't really make enough balance between the green/purple like i planned lol. they both are just to emphasis the ones that i think are important.

    and the pink underlined part is just to say that i may update this later so if you see this reappear at the top of the page like two weeks later, you'll know why...

    alexis: love it! but ... are you gonna explain that hoagie one?! lol

  4. oh, and to the first person.... "if you got it flaunt it" - care to defend that? or explain why you say that?

  5. love, love, love this.

    wise words from a wise woman: Sometimes, you just have to Let Go & Let God.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. LOL! aight now i have an idea of who that anonymous person must be... thanks for the laugh/reminding me of that but now i'm deleting that comment lol


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